Toothaches can be absolutely debilitating, and if you’re experiencing one now, you’re probably interested in doing whatever you can to make the pain stop. Thankfully, we have a quick and easy solution for you— a tooth extraction from Weldon Dental of Rome could be just what you need to get rid of your aching tooth.
We work hard to make our patients completely comfortable, so we can ensure that having your tooth removed will be completely painless. Give us a call and we’ll talk to you about what the procedure entails.
Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

While tooth extractions can seem a little bit scary, there are plenty of circumstances where they are by far the best option to help you. For example:
- Profound, irreparable damage to a tooth.
- An infection in the pulp too substantial for a root canal, especially one that could spread if left untreated.
- Tooth that has been impacted.
- As preparation for dentures or orthodontics.
The Process of Removing a Tooth

The process of removing a tooth is much more gentle than you’d likely expect. For one, your mouth will be numbed entirely before the procedure, which means that the most you’ll feel is a slight pressure as your tooth is being removed. We’ll also take the time to measure and model your teeth, as this will make it easier to craft the restoration used to replace the one that is removed.
The extraction itself involves using a tool called an elevator to loosen the tooth from its socket, then forceps to gently wiggle it out of place. This will be done with care so as to ensure your complete comfort for the duration of the treatment.
Tooth Extraction Aftercare

As you may have heard, the days after a tooth extraction can involve a little bit of tenderness, and that you need to take it easy for a while in order to ensure proper healing. Here are a few things to keep in mind during the process of aftercare.
- After the first 24 hours, GENTLY rinse the mouth out with saltwater to keep the wound clean.
- Avoid smoking or any other nicotine use.
- Rest and avoid strenuous exercise, as excess blood flow can cause excess bleeding.
- Don’t drink out of a straw or spit excessively, as this could pull the emerging blood clot out of place.
- Elevate your head while sleeping.